The inspiration for the name of ANEW! comes from the verses in the Bible that mention how God has made or given to us a new thing:
A new spirit
A new heart
A new heaven
A new creation
A new man
A new name
A new song
A new earth
New mercies
God is making all things new. Wherever, whoever, or whatever you have been before, you can start anew today.
Arial Font - Ariel font is the simplest of all the fonts. ANEW! desires to be a simple church so the Spirit can lead us where He desires for us.
Capital Letters - God’s work is important.
Exclamation Point - God’s work is exciting.
Red Background - The Blood of Christ
White Lettering - Christ cleansing us from all sin.
In early 2012, Pastor Stephen (Steve) Harrier and his wife Claudia felt God’s calling to launch a new church in Vancouver, WA. After much prayer and discussion, ANEW! was officially launched on March 4, 2012 with 35 in attendance. By the end of 2012, the group had grown to about 50 attendees. The group began as a ‘church plant’ of the Evangelical Free Church of America and met in a local recreational center.
In September 2014, the group obtained their own 501(c)3 designation and were no longer recognized as a ‘church plant’. God continued to bless this group as they continued to meet and do God’s work. In March of 2015, ANEW! lost its meeting space and shifted to meeting in Pastor Harrier’s home as no other affordable space was available. Over time, the disadvantages of meeting as a ‘home church’ emerged, several people moved out of the area, and numbers dwindled. By fall of 2016, the decision was made to no longer meet as a church on Sundays, but to shift to a small group Bible Study instead. Pastor Steve and Claudia helped those who needed it to find a new church to worship with on Sundays.
Over the next couple years, the small group continued to meet. Each year the Leadership Team met. They continued to feel that God had organized ANEW! to impact the community and that He had a purpose for them continuing, so the group retained their 501(c)3 designation and registration with the state.
In July of 2019, Pastor Steve became aware that Pastor Mark Kelly, a former ministry colleague, would be available in the fall. Pastor Steve approached Pastor Mark about ‘relaunching’ Sunday morning services for ANEW!. The ANEW! Leadership Team agreed to pursue the feasibility of a ‘re-launch’. Pastor Steve and Pastor Mark were joined by a retired pastor, Pastor Art LaBrant. The membership then voted to add Pastor Mark and Pastor Art to the pastoral staff of ANEW!.
The first ‘pastors’ meeting was held in August of 2019 with the first weekend of November chosen to relaunch ANEW! At that time there were, essentially, no funds, no building, and no people. During September and October the pastors moved forward sensing God’s leading. On October 1st, God provided a meeting location at the Washington Grange #82, and on November 3, 2019 God relaunched ANEW! Our first service had 210 in attendance. Some attended that first service for ‘moral support’ or out of curiosity, but most attended because of a desire to become part of ANEW! and our ministries. After a few weeks, the attendance leveled off between 140-160 attendees. This ‘relaunch’ is affectionately known as ‘ANEW! 2.0’.
By January of 2020, various ministries had been launched: ANEW! Kids, ANEW! Seniors, ANEW! Community Connections (local outreach) and a couple small group Bible Studies. We also began to live-stream our Sunday morning service on Facebook (without our knowing how important this would be in a just a few weeks).
Unknown to us, but known to God, was the shutdown of churches in the spring of 2020 due to Covid-19. ANEW! had been meeting for only 4 months; we felt like we were just beginning to get to know one another. While we wondered if a church so young could continue to grow, we knew that God was in control. We saw His working as our Pastors continued to lead the people in worship and study of God’s Word on Facebook. In the summer of 2020, we were able to have “drive-in” church at the Grange. We set up a platform in the parking lot, and broadcasted the audio on a low-power FM station (94.3) for those in their cars while continuing to live-stream on Facebook. One of the Bible Study groups shifted to meeting via Zoom. A couple of work projects for the Grange were able to be completed as well.
In October 2020, we gathered back inside, following state guidelines. We met on the upper level of the Grange and projected the service to the lower level, while continuing our presence on Facebook and on our FM station (about 15-20 people continued to park in the parking lot and listen on their radio). ANEW! Seniors resumed their meetings on Thursday mornings, and small groups resumed. Also, the ANEW! Leadership Team was expanded that fall.
The ANEW! Community Connections Team continued to provide opportunities for us to minister: Options 360, several projects for Sifton Elementary School, Salvation Army, a community coat drive, Operation Christmas Child, Open House Ministries, Royal Ridges Retreat Center, Black Lake Camp, and CEF of Clark County. The ANEW! Global Connections Team was established to help us to minister beyond our immediate community to our world. Their first project was providing bicycles for pastors in India.
In December 2020, Pastor Art LaBrant was taken home to glory following a 14-month battle with leukemia. He had been diagnosed with leukemia right at the start of the relaunch of ANEW!. At the end of December 2023, Pastor Steve Harrier retired from his position at ANEW! Both Paster Steve's and Pastor Art’s contributions to the organization, launching and ministries of ANEW! will continue to impact our work going forward.
Today, ANEW!’s ministry continues. 2022 was really our first ‘normal’ year! Services are held every Sunday. Our broadcasting services expanded to YouTube in addition to Facebook. Life Groups (small group Bible Study) have expanded. The Community Connections and Global Connections teams expanded outreach locally and around the world. The Leadership Team has felt God’s leading for ANEW! to seek larger facilities for our ministries, so an Expansion Team is working to seek out potential facilities. In January 2023 the church began renting office space separate from the Grange to give each pastor a private office, and includes a space that can be used for Bible Studies, Life Groups, and church committee meetings.
God continues to lead ANEW! in many different ways. We submit our will, plans, and resources to Him. We diligently ask for His guidance and wisdom. We continue to seek God’s leading as we carry out the purposes and values of ANEW!